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July Cupping - Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

Posted by Danni Sargent on

Last night we cupped an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Natural with an intense fruity aroma. A “natural” means the outer pulp of the coffee cherry has remained on the bean while it dries resulting in fermentation of the fruit giving the bean more fruity flavours.

We also cupped an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Washed, which was very light and with rich chocolate flavours.
Alongside these two we chose a Zambian Terranova to cup , could really taste the berry in this full-bodied coffee.
The Ethiopian Natural would make a lovely espresso because of its fruitiness and the Zambian and washed Ethiopian would be lovely as lattes.
When you think of how many hands these coffees have passed through and how hard these farms work hand-picking these precious cherries, what a privilege to drink them. We can’t bear to drop one bean.